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Advantages of Natural Gas

Advantages of Natural Gas

It is cheaper than other fuels (coal, diesel, electricity).
Significantly reduces energy costs for heating and hot water.​

Clean and Environmentally Friendly:
It produces less greenhouse gases and harmful emissions as a result of combustion compared to other fossil fuels.
It reduces the emission of gases such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that cause air pollution and acid rain.
Since it is a clean fuel, it provides a healthier environment in homes and workplaces.

Comfortable and Convenient:
It is easy to use and practical.
It meets the heating and hot water needs instantly and uninterruptedly.
It offers a comfortable environment with different heat setting options.
It saves energy with automatic control systems.

The risk of explosion is lower than other fuels.
Pipes and installations are checked periodically and necessary maintenance is performed.
There are safety systems that automatically cut off in case of gas leakage.

In addition to heating and hot water needs, it can be used for cooking in kitchens, cooking and drying in ovens, and as fuel in barbecues.
It can also be used in industrial facilities and electricity generation.

Other Advantages:
There is no need for storage.
It is easy to carry.
It is long lasting.
It contributes to the development of the local economy.

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